Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hey World!

So being my first real blog post, I suppose I should introduce myself.  The first thing you probably should know about me is that I'm very opinionated and on a wide variety of topics.  But I also know that I don't know everything.  I really feel like it is my duty to share what I've learned and continue to learn as I get older and wiser (read: I like telling people what to do).  Learning enriches my life and I am passionate that everyone should learn something new and not get stuck in their ways about anything.  I am also passionate about food and fitness, my kids and how awesome they are, and people who don't know how to drive.  

Anyway, this was supposed to be an introduction to me ... Bottom line, here's who I am:

1. Question everything and try new things.
2. Open your mind to new ideas.
3. Listen to your kids for they haven't yet been spoiled by the world and are a lot wiser than you and I.
4. Respect everyone for their unique contributions.
5. Don't take yourself too seriously.

 (Oh, and my 7 year old daughter is sitting with me now and wants to say that I am a really great Mommy.  And that I really do like telling people what to do!)

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